Test Lab
Test Title
Virus Bulletin VBSpam Q4 2024
Publication date
Statement from Test Lab
Tested products
Vendor | Product | Vendor status |
Bitdefender | GravityZone Premium | included |
Fortinet | Fortimail | participant |
Mimecast | Mimecast | included |
N-able | Mail Assure | included |
N-able | Spam Experts | included |
Net at Work | NoSpamProxy | included |
Rspamd | Rspamd | included |
Rspamd | Rspamd Premium | included |
SEPPMail | SEPPMail | participant |
Sophos | Sophos Email | included |
TitanHQ | SpamTitan 6.00 | included |
Zoho Mail | Zoho Mail | included |
AMTSO Standard compliance info
Notification issued
Notification method
Test plan
Commencement date
“Included” Vendors
These Vendors did not chose to adopt Participant status under the AMTSO Standard, but may have engaged with the test lab in other ways.
Commentary dates
Commentary | Start date | End date |
Phase 1 Commentary | 2024-10-16 | 2025-01-07 |
Phase 2 Commentary | 2025-01-07 | 2025-01-14 |
Commentary received
Vendor | Commentary phase | Comment |
SEPPMail | Phase 2 | “The test plan doesn’t mention a minimum required number of mails in each category. Having only 26 newsletters, a single misclassified newsletter will disqualify you from the best category “SPAM+”. We would appreciate either to remove this criteria or to have a minimum sample size for each category.” “As a vendor, we put much higher importance on blocking phishing and malwares, compared to properly classifying newsletters. Unfortunately, the scoring mechanism doesn’t make a difference if you let through an “annoyance” spam or a malware that would infiltrate the whole company. We wish malwares and phishes were weighted differently in the catch rate and that the cutoff of maximum newsletters FPs were higher or even removed.” Response from test lab: “Virus Bulletin investigated this issue and confirmed that significantly fewer newsletter emails than usual were included in this test. This resulted in a reduced resolution for this segment of the data. The decline in numbers was caused by an unexpected but natural drop in the number of newsletters received from ‘in-the-wild’ sources. Virus Bulletin acknowledges this vendor feedback and will take it into consideration moving forward.”
AMTSO Standard compliance status
Confirmed Compliant with AMTSO Standard v1.3 | Compliance report |