AppEsteem UwS Handling Certification 2021 (series)

Test Lab


Test Title

AppEsteem UwS Handling Certification 2021 (series)




Windows, MacOS


AVAST, AVG, Avira, Bitdefender, Comodo, CYREN, Dr Web, Enigmasoft, ESET, G Data, K7 Computing, Kaspersky, MalwareBytes, McAfee, Microsoft, NortonLifeLock, Panda Security, Qihoo, Quick Heal, Sophos, Tencent, TG Soft, Trend Micro, VIPRE, Webroot

Publication date


Statement from Test Lab

“For almost three years, AppEsteem has worked to establish a consensus among AVs about the behaviors that make an app Unwanted Software (UwS) or a Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA). We have codified these behaviors into “ACRs”, or Application Certification Requirements. We publish a freely-available Deceptor® feed, which contains software monetization apps we believe are Unwanted, and a freely-available Certified feed, which contains apps we have certified as clean, and that we believe should be considered neither UwS nor PUA. These feeds are widely used by many parties, including AVs. The objective of this UwS Handling Certification Test is to provide consumers with information on which AV products have effectively implemented our Deceptor and Certified feeds, so they can be assured of effective protection against over-aggressive software monetizers while not getting impeded from working with “clean” software monetizers. Because each AV has control of their own policies, this UwS Handling Certification Test lets AVs describe any deviations they have between their blocking policies and our ACRs. Each AV’s final score reflects their ability to block Deceptors, allow Certifieds, and explain their policy deviations.”

Tested products

VendorProductVendor status
AVASTInternet Securityparticipant
AVGInternet Securityparticipant
AviraAntivirus Proparticipant
BitdefenderInternet Securityincluded
CYRENF-Prot Antivirusincluded
Dr WebSecurity Space for Windowsincluded
EnigmasoftSpyHunter 5included
ESETInternet Securityincluded
G DataInternet Securityincluded
K7 ComputingTotal Securityparticipant
KasperskyInternet Securityparticipant
McAfeeTotal Protectionincluded
MicrosoftWindows Defenderincluded
NortonLifeLockNorton Security Standardincluded
Panda SecurityDomeincluded
Qihoo360 Total Securityincluded
Quick HealInternet Securityincluded
SophosHome Premiumincluded
TencentPC Managerincluded
TG SoftVirIT eXplorer Liteparticipant
VIPREVipre Advanced Securityincluded
Trend MicroInternet Securityincluded
WebrootInternet Securityincluded

AMTSO Standard compliance info

Notification issued


Notification method

Publicly posted test plan, Contact list notification

Test plan

Commencement date



These Vendors chose to adopt Participant status under the AMTSO Standard, gaining certain guaranteed rights in return for attestations.

“Included” Vendors


These Vendors did not chose to adopt Participant status under the AMTSO Standard, but may have engaged with the test lab in other ways.

Commentary dates

CommentaryStart dateEnd date
Phase 1 Commentary2021-01-042021-01-12
Phase 2 Commentary (Round 1 - Jan-Mar)2021-04-222021-04-30
Phase 2 Commentary (Round 2 - Apr-Jun)2021-07-142021-07-23
Phase 2 Commentary (Round 2 - Jul-Dec)2021-12-142021-12-22

AMTSO Standard compliance status

Confirmed compliant with AMTSO Standard v1.3Round 1 (Jan-Mar)
Confirmed compliant with AMTSO Standard v1.3Round 2 (Apr-Jun)
Confirmed compliant with AMTSO Standard v1.3Round 3 (Jul-Dec)