AMTSO holds regular Testing Town Hall events showcasing the latest ideas and developments in the testing world. Non-members are welcome to attend, learn more about testing, and contribute to the debate. Selected guests may also be invited to other AMTSO events, including in-person meetings.


Speakers from SecureIQLab on CDR testing, AMTSO on our RTTL system, and Artifact Security on their testing plans.


Speakers from Venak Security on AI Malware Simulation, and SE Labs on cybersecurity education and the skills gap.


AMTSO's regular member meetings bring our members together to discuss the latest developments in testing and security. Our second meeting of 2023 was held in London in October.


Speakers from SecureIQLab on XDR testing, and Massive Computing on using their web data in testing.


AMTSO's regular member meetings bring our members together to discuss the latest developments in testing and security.


Speakers from MITRE Engenuity on the next round of testing under the ATT&CK framework, and AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation on their testing processes.


Speakers from SE Labs on rogue testing, SecureIQLab on collaboration between testers and vendors, and AMTSO on an old old story.


Speakers from Absolute Software on application resilience, SecureIQLab on Cloud WAF Testing, and special guest Thom Langford on incident handling.


Speakers from Broadcom on testing Adaptive Solutions, Nioguard Security Lab on Log4Shell attack simulations.


Speakers from SE Labs on NDR testing, MRG Effitas on smartphone privacy, and Secure IQ Lab on testing cloud WAF technologies.


Speakers from Avast on IoT Security, SE Labs on transparency in APT testing, and NioGuard Security Lab on Ransomware security testing.


Speakers from Sophos on open machine learning benchmarks, SecureIQLab on cloud security testing, and the Cyber Threat Alliance on the efforts of their non-profit.


Speakers from Cybereason on the MITRE ATT&CK framework, AV-TEST on APT Testing, and NetSecOPEN on their testing standards projects.


Speakers from Google on Android security, SE Labs on testing getting real, ACFTI on cyber forensics in academia, and MRG Effitas on vulnerability detection.


Speakers from NioGuard Security Lab on machine learning, Avast on IoT security testing and AppEsteem on malware removal tests.


Speakers from MITRE on the MITRE ATT&CK framework, SKD Labs and Qi An Xin Group on EDR testing, MRG Effitas on testing as a service, NioGuard Security Lab on anti-ransomware testing, and SE Labs on transparency in testing.
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